Ampersand Insights:
Precision at Scale

Sep 14th, 2022

Written by Ampersand Marketing

Achieve Data-Driven Success with Ampersand

As TV viewership has become a multiscreen consumer experience, marketers agree that reaching audiences with more precision—with comprehensive and accurate measurement—has become table stakes for television transactions. With 61%* of TV content still viewed in a linear environment, it is more important than ever to use real and actionable data insights to drive success of TV and video advertising campaigns.

Ampersand’s unique ability to deliver precision at scale gives brands and agencies an opportunity to uncover meaningful learnings into how their television campaigns are working toward business outcomes. With a commitment to data protection and privacy, Ampersand’s aggregated viewership insights, plus scale in multiscreen inventory and geography, help brands optimize for better, more effective advertising.


To see how, click here.

If you are interested in reaching precision at scale with Ampersand,
please contact us.